Museum Wish List

Thanks for helping make our wishes come true!
The generous support of individuals like you has helped make the Leechburg Museum the vibrant entity that it is today.
Our Wish List is ever-evolving. At any given time, it could identify elements required for future projects and programs, cite ways you can help us better serve the needs of our shared community, and/or it will list the most pressing, immediate needs for the Museum.
The Museum’s Curatorial department uses tons of the “stuff” that is donated. We welcome gifts of almost any size.
Heck, you may even have some of these things lying around in your attic, basement or garage. If so, we’d love to receive them as a donation. Thanks again!
We are always looking for photos (Printed or Digital Scans) that are relevant to Leechburg, PA. These can be of town, residents, parks, cemeteries or local events so long as they will someday be relevant to our history. |
Office supplies: copy paper and scotch tape |
Volunteers |
Leechburg Memorabilia of any kind. |
Leechburg Area School District Yearbooks. The museum has very few copies of the Mintas after 1980. |
Projector to run/show football films |
Additional landscaping on the museum grounds: Removal of hedges and construction of a fence - bringing the grounds back to its original look. |
A connecting sidewalk from the carriage house to the museum door... This project is underway! Please visit our fund raising page to buy a brick! |